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Created:Saturday, October 31, 2015
Members: Sunday, November 1, 2015 at 00:00 eastern (818 days ago)
Public: Sunday, November 1, 2015 at 00:00 eastern
This is an informational posting or a note regarding an existing deal
Heat level:this is a good deal
Countries:available in USA
Details:240GB SSDs With Encryption:
Thinking of upgrading your laptop's hard drive to an SSD, to get up to 4 times the performance? Check out these deals: Both support hardware encryption, which is important for most laptops. Simply set up a hard disk (or SATA) password in your bootup BIOS, and your laptop's data will be encrypted from thieves.

Many other SSDs can be found cheaper, but do not have built-in hardware encryption. Non-hardware encryption (software based) can lower your system performance and is less secure.

Looking to buy a laptop computer? Search Ebay for used or refurbished laptop computers, to find a lot on sale right now for around $200 to $400 with 3rd generation (or better) Intel processors. Some of those do have touch screens, but you would need to look at the specs before buying. Tips:
  1. Look at the condition of a used/refurbished laptop, since some may have damage, scratches, or broken/missing parts.
  2. Google for the laptop's owner's manual, and find instructions on how to replace its memory and hard drive. Some laptops, like Apple laptops and some convertible laptop/tablet computers, are difficult (or impossible) to replace a hard drive with an SSD. If you cannot upgrade a used laptop, its longevity may be short.
  3. Does the laptop's battery carry a good charge, and can it be replaced? Most laptop batteries will be dead in 2-3 years, and replacements (if possible) can cost $30 to $90 depending on the model. Factor a replacement battery into the cost of buying a 2-3 year old laptop.
  4. What CPU is inside the laptop, and how does its CPU score compare to your old laptop on CPUBenchmark.Net?
  5. Read the seller's reputation history.
Depending on the laptop you have, it often takes is a screwdriver and 15 minutes time to upgrade its drive to an SSD, which can improve the laptop's performance by about 4 times. Add a couple hours to transfer files from your old hard drive, and re-install (or upgrade) your operating system.
Companies:Samsung, Intel,
Categories:computer hardware

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