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Created:Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Members: Wednesday, March 25, 2015 at 11:36 eastern (971 days ago)
Public: Wednesday, March 25, 2015 at 11:36 eastern
This is an informational posting or a note regarding an existing deal
Heat level:this is a good deal
Countries:available in USA
Details:Pandora One 1-year Subscription for $36 in some stores:
Pandora, the free music listening service, has a premium-tier called Pandora One. It allows ad-free music listening to your computers, mobile devices, and TV apps (like Roku).

Pandora One currently costs $5 per month, or $55 per year. If you have been a subscriber before 2014, you may be able to renew your Pandora subscription for $4 per month. Those prices are a little high for a music listening service.

Pandora had some coupons last year, allowing renewals for around $36 for a year, but those deals are gone.

For a deal, Pandora still has some old gift cards at some Target, Fry's, Walmart, and Best Buy stores. Walk into a store, and look for shelves where they sell gift cards for "online services" (like Pandora, Steam, Amazon, and Ebay). There you could find a Pandora One 1-year membership card for $36. Here is the front of the card, and the back of the card. You pay $36, and get a year of Pandora One (a savings of $19, since Pandora One normally costs $55/yr). This is such a great deal, that even some sellers on Ebay are selling their Pandora One 1-year membership gift cards for around $48 ($12 more than what you can find in-store).

The gift cards never expire, so if you buy two gift cards, you can use the second one to renew next year.
Companies:Fry's, Pandora

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