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Created:Wednesday, December 23, 2020
Members: Wednesday, December 23, 2020 at 12:54 eastern (1209 days ago)
Public: Wednesday, December 23, 2020 at 12:54 eastern
Expiration:unknown (click this link)
Heat level:this is a good deal
Countries:available in USA
Details:$10 Off $15 and Free Tropico 5 for PC
  1. Go here, click "Sign In" and log-in or create an account, if not already signed-in.
  2. Return to their coupon page and click "Get My Epic Coupon".
  3. Once claimed, go to Tropico 5 for PC and click "Get" for free.
  4. Place the order for the free Tropico 5 at $0.00.
A $10 off $14.99 coupon will be applied to your account.

Browse their list of games and find something to buy. The $10 discount applies only to the purchase of a single title priced $14.99 and up. For example,
Companies:Epic Games

This deal came from The Hot Deals Club. Click here to visit the site for more deals such as this one.