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Created:Saturday, May 30, 2020
Members: Saturday, May 30, 2020 at 13:55 eastern (1422 days ago)
Public: Saturday, May 30, 2020 at 13:55 eastern
Expiration:unknown (click this link)
Heat level:this is a good deal
Countries:available in USA
Details:2-Pack of 3oz Banana Boat SPF-30 Sunscreen for $4.20

Click the coupon under the $6 price and choose "Subscribe & Save" on the right, to get it for $4.20 with free shipping.

These normally sell for about $4 each.

Wait until your order ships, then you can change or cancel Subscribe & Save subscription. Beware that Amazon will automatically re-order this sunscreen for you at a future date, so knowing where you can manage or cancel your subscription is important.

This deal came from The Hot Deals Club. Click here to visit the site for more deals such as this one.