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Created:Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Members: Wednesday, April 26, 2017 at 14:02 eastern (1395 days ago)
Public: Wednesday, April 26, 2017 at 14:02 eastern
Expiration:unknown (click this link)
Heat level:this is a good deal
Countries:available in USA
Details:Phone, Text, Data Service for Free; SIM Card for $1
  1. Click here to buy a SIM card for $1 with free shipping.
  2. Beware. They will automatically enroll you in a $33/mo plan which includes unlimited talk and text.
  3. Switch to their 100% free plan by logging into your FreedomPop account, or calling Freedom Pop customer service at 888-743-8107. If you fail to change your plan within 1 month from when your SIM card ships, you will be billed the $33/mo rate.
Freedom Pop's free plan includes:
  • 500 MB of data per month (0.5 GB)
  • 500 text messages per month
  • 200 minutes of talk time per month
According to the details page, this SIM card works inside "GSM" phones. AT&T phones are GSM, so it should work inside any unlocked AT&T-compatible smartphone.

Make sure your phone is unlocked before replacing its SIM card. If you currently have an AT&T phone, regardless of whether the phone is in-service, call AT&T at 800-331-0500 to get the phone unlocked. They should do it for free, as long as the phone can be powered on and has no outstanding contracts associated with it. If the phone has an unpaid contract, unpaid bills, or has been reported stolen, AT&T will not unlock the phone.

Unlocked AT&T phones should work with this GSM-signal Freedom Pop service.

Replacing a SIM card is easy if you have a SIM card eject tool. They can be found at online retailers for about $2. If you are patient, several overseas sellers on Ebay sell packs of eject tools for about $1, but can take 3-4 weeks to arrive.
Companies:Freedom Pop

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